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Toddler Activity Number 43- Fun ways to Extend Water Play at Home

We love water play at Little Steps! Splashing it, stomping in it, playing with it.  It’s also a great way to cool down your toddler on a hot summer day.  A few inches of water in a water table or her small paddle pool, some plastic containers and a wooden spoon and little little ones will be happy at play in the back yard, deck, or patio.  Playing with water is also a great tool for laying the ground work for future mathematical and scientific learning, providing children with hands-on experience for;

  • Learning about measurement: which container holds the most/least? which container holds more/less?
  • Experimenting with scientific concepts: which will float/sink and why?
  • Learning new vocabulary: empty and full, shallow and deep, wet and dry
  • Learning how to sort or categorize: these objects all float, these ones sink.

Here are some simple ways to take your child’s play beyond the obvious to enhance the learning potential of water and extend the fun;

  1.  Create a car/train wash by adding come soap & cleaning sponge or wash cloth
  2. Add a clear plastic bottle with holes punched in it.
  3. Add a range of objects to the water that will float and some which will sink. Notice these properties with your child as she plays with the objects in the water.
  4. Used Recycled plastic container (butter/take out containers) and add your child’s plastic people or animals for a day of boating on the water.
  5. Add bubbles/dish-washing soap to the changing table with bubble wands.
  6. Give your child a bucket of water and a chunky paintbrush for water painting. You will be amazed how much fun toddlers have with this one.
  7. Make sandcastles and mud pies by adding water.
The possibilities are endless…. and so is the fun!
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